Why bother with a boring real life? ...

Yes, Virtual reality is there.
Why bother with a boring real life when, in an online world, a person can fly through the air, have adventures in distant or imaginary lands, and build a house or even a city in any form he or she wants?
Fabricated from our dreams, they are worlds in which nothing can be hurt or destroyed because nothing really exists. In short, they are worlds in which nothing really matters.

Virtual reality, an immersive form of entertainment that uses a high-tech headset to make viewers feel like they're in the middle of the action, is nearing its best shot yet at mainstream appeal. 
Boosters of virtual reality believe that it will greatly enhance education, science, industry, art, and entertainment, as it has already begun to do. They say it will simplify many tasks and let people express their creativity in new ways.
Oculus Rift and other developers are partnering with Microsoft on the Hololens, a new technology that uses a headset to provide an augmented reality experience, placing elements of games into the real world.

“If the real world is boring, step in to the virtual reality world of pleasure and enjoy your life.” by Samson Oteba 2015.


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