
Showing posts from 2015 Why bother with a boring real life? ... Why bother with a boring real life? ... : Yes,   Virtual reality is there. Why bother with a boring real life when, in an online world, a person can fly through the air, have ad...

Why bother with a boring real life? ...

Yes,   Virtual reality is there. Why bother with a boring real life when, in an online world, a person can fly through the air, have adventures in distant or imaginary lands, and build a house or even a city in any form he or she wants? Fabricated from our dreams, they are worlds in which nothing can be hurt or destroyed because nothing really exists. In short, they are worlds in which nothing really matters . Virtual reality, an immersive form of entertainment that uses a high-tech headset to make viewers feel like they're in the middle of the action, is nearing its best shot yet at mainstream appeal.   Boosters of virtual reality believe that it will greatly enhance education, science, industry, art, and entertainment, as it has already begun to do. They say it will simplify many tasks and let people express their creativity in new ways. Oculus Rift and other developers are partnering with Microsoft   on the Hololens, a new technology that uses a headset to provide

Why Mathematics Considered Difficult.

1.     Mathematics is not difficult:  Mathematics is no more difficult than other fields. Cooking is difficult. Ballet is difficult. However #2... 2.     Your lack of ability "hits you in the face":  People find mathematics difficult because it is easier to realize that it is difficult. With other difficult tasks it is easier to fool one's self into believing that one is good at said task, but this doesn't work with mathematics. If you're bad at mathematics it will show you just how bad you are. 3.     Mathematics not an option:  Students are taught mathematics regardless of interest, and everyone is expected to learn it to some degree. If one had no interest in ballet and it were made compulsory, we may find that few have the talent for it. 4.     Poor pedagogy:  Mathematics is taught badly. School mathematics is often far removed from what professional mathematicians do.  The syllabus expects students to commit to rote learning or adherence to metho

Internet Of Things (IOT)

A recent study by the  McKinsey Global Institute  forecasts that the Internet of Things (IoT) will create economic benefits between $4 to $11 trillion by the year 2025. This includes profits to device-makers, efficiency, new businesses and savings to consumers from better-run products. The report suggests that the economic opportunity created by IoT has been hardly utilized and most people who are working in the space of IoT are still in the early phase. McKinsey’s central finding is that the hype may actually understate the full potential but that capturing it will require an understanding of where real value can be created and a successful effort to address a set of system issues, including interoperability.