
Rail transport and technology

 BOOKS Sustainable Rail Transport 4    $.100 Structural Reform in the Rail Industry  $.30 The Urban Rail Development Handbook $.100 Introduction to Rail Transportation $.20 Railway Transportation Systems $.50 Efficiency in Railway Operations and Infrastructure Management $.20 Operation and Maintenance Performance of Rail Infrastructure A time of unprecedented change in the transport system $.10 The Geography of Transport System $.50 Rail Transport Regulation $.10 Rail Infrastructure in Africa Financing Policy Options $.40 Rail Infrastructure Tariiffs $.20 Sustainable High Volume Road and Rail Transport in Low-Income Countries $.60 THE ECONOMIC FOOTPRINT OF RAILWAY TRANSPORT IN EUROPE $.40 Kenya’s New Lunatic Express: The Standard Gauge Railway $.5


These are the notes i have prepared that i believe will help you in one way or the other.                   Basic mathematical operations Ratio and proportion Direct and inversely proportion GRAPHIC DESIGN Adobe photo shop course outline   Practical exercises and Assignment Be a pro with simple steps in PS e-assessment test   proposed test Adobe Illustrator CS6 Course outline exe 3D house modelling Practical exercise one COMPUTER APPLICATION SUBMIT YOUR ASSIGNMENT HERE ICT PRACTICAL COURSE OUTLINE Introduction to computers Basic notes Introduction to computer application 1 course content Practice Quizes MS Office Computer Security ICDL Course Outline PROGRAMMING C Programming Database Management System Course outline MSQL Introduction to OOP NET-WORKING IT- Essential CYBER FORENSICS Revision quizes COMPUTER MAINTENANCE SUMMERY NOTES Hardware Assignment Takeaway CAT REVISION PAPERS rev paper 1 rev pap


Women empowerment groups have asked the president and his deputy not to do away with the gender ministry. The plan was to have it as a department in one ministry rather than give it an entire docket. The groups claim that if the ministry is done away with, it will sideline all the developments made in helping women especially the girl child. Much as I think it needs a docket on its own, I have one issue with it; why is it all about the girl? A lot has been done to give the girl child her voice. Groups and activists come together with many projects that are all about helping the girl child unshackle the chains keeping her down. But the boy child has been left behind. While the girl child is enjoying her freedom and coming out of her shell, the boy is fighting to be treated better. The female gender is considered to be the weaker sex. We are thought to lag behind in most things. In every field, a man is considered superior so that qualifying standards are lowered so we can fit in

Are machines becoming more intelligent than their makers?!!!!....

Expect computers to become more intelligent than humans by about 2025. At this point humankind will be faced with something of a dilemma. If machines become more intelligent than their makers, what’s to stop them taking over? You could of course design machines with certain in-built controls (see I Assimov’s Robot Rules in I Robot) but there will be a very strong temptation for mankind to see what would happen if you don’t. The other intriguing (if not outright alarming) aspect of this issue is the convergence of computing, robotics and nanotechnology which could give rise to self-replicating machines. Add to this the possibility of not only downloading intelligence into a machine but downloading consciousness too, and you are faced with the question of whether it is better to live forever in a machine or live for a limited time as a carbon based biped. Why bother with a boring real life? ... Why bother with a boring real life? ... : Yes,   Virtual reality is there. Why bother with a boring real life when, in an online world, a person can fly through the air, have ad...

Why bother with a boring real life? ...

Yes,   Virtual reality is there. Why bother with a boring real life when, in an online world, a person can fly through the air, have adventures in distant or imaginary lands, and build a house or even a city in any form he or she wants? Fabricated from our dreams, they are worlds in which nothing can be hurt or destroyed because nothing really exists. In short, they are worlds in which nothing really matters . Virtual reality, an immersive form of entertainment that uses a high-tech headset to make viewers feel like they're in the middle of the action, is nearing its best shot yet at mainstream appeal.   Boosters of virtual reality believe that it will greatly enhance education, science, industry, art, and entertainment, as it has already begun to do. They say it will simplify many tasks and let people express their creativity in new ways. Oculus Rift and other developers are partnering with Microsoft   on the Hololens, a new technology that uses a headset to provide

Why Mathematics Considered Difficult.

1.     Mathematics is not difficult:  Mathematics is no more difficult than other fields. Cooking is difficult. Ballet is difficult. However #2... 2.     Your lack of ability "hits you in the face":  People find mathematics difficult because it is easier to realize that it is difficult. With other difficult tasks it is easier to fool one's self into believing that one is good at said task, but this doesn't work with mathematics. If you're bad at mathematics it will show you just how bad you are. 3.     Mathematics not an option:  Students are taught mathematics regardless of interest, and everyone is expected to learn it to some degree. If one had no interest in ballet and it were made compulsory, we may find that few have the talent for it. 4.     Poor pedagogy:  Mathematics is taught badly. School mathematics is often far removed from what professional mathematicians do.  The syllabus expects students to commit to rote learning or adherence to metho