
Showing posts from December, 2017


Women empowerment groups have asked the president and his deputy not to do away with the gender ministry. The plan was to have it as a department in one ministry rather than give it an entire docket. The groups claim that if the ministry is done away with, it will sideline all the developments made in helping women especially the girl child. Much as I think it needs a docket on its own, I have one issue with it; why is it all about the girl? A lot has been done to give the girl child her voice. Groups and activists come together with many projects that are all about helping the girl child unshackle the chains keeping her down. But the boy child has been left behind. While the girl child is enjoying her freedom and coming out of her shell, the boy is fighting to be treated better. The female gender is considered to be the weaker sex. We are thought to lag behind in most things. In every field, a man is considered superior so that qualifying standards are lowered so we can fit in