
Showing posts from April, 2016

Are machines becoming more intelligent than their makers?!!!!....

Expect computers to become more intelligent than humans by about 2025. At this point humankind will be faced with something of a dilemma. If machines become more intelligent than their makers, what’s to stop them taking over? You could of course design machines with certain in-built controls (see I Assimov’s Robot Rules in I Robot) but there will be a very strong temptation for mankind to see what would happen if you don’t. The other intriguing (if not outright alarming) aspect of this issue is the convergence of computing, robotics and nanotechnology which could give rise to self-replicating machines. Add to this the possibility of not only downloading intelligence into a machine but downloading consciousness too, and you are faced with the question of whether it is better to live forever in a machine or live for a limited time as a carbon based biped.